22 November, 2010

Gotta get the investigators married

That’s crazy to see how much snow we have there in Utah. We have pretty much the opposite here in Paraguay. Almost every day is hot. It rains every once in a while, which just makes it more hot and humid. This week it’s been pretty hot, and I’m getting a nice tan, and haven´t been burned yet. Right now I’m darker than half the natives here, well my arms and face are anyway. I have some major tan lines already that are just worse and worse every day. One where my collar is, and the other where my sleeve ends.
This week has been a good week. It definitely wasn’t one of our best weeks, but we found a couple of new investigators that we are now teaching.
One of the new investigators that we have now is named Ramon. He is about 14 or so, and we found him a couple days back. We taught him this week, and for the first lesson that we taught him we set a baptismal date for the 18 of December. We left him with the commitment to read and to pray, and we are going to return tomorrow. Also he knows a member that is about his age that lives a couple houses up, so we are going to bring this member with us the next time so that he can help him go to church and everything.
Also this week we have continued teaching Miguel and Paula. Miguel has completely stopped drinking, as far as he has told us, and seems to be doing better. The problem with them right now is that they still are not married, and as of right now don’t have the desire to get married. We have talked to them multiple times about matrimony to try and help them, but usually it ends up in a fight, and they just say the things that the other one needs to change before they get married. We are going to bring a couple from our ward this week to talk to them, because obviously we have absolutely no experience with marriage.
Also this Sunday we talked to our bishop about doing Ward council. In our zone conference, and everything they are pushing really hard to start doing ward council more in the wards. We talked to him about doing it every other week, like the presidency has asked all wards. We are constantly trying to get our leaders here to do stuff, because they are always really lazy, but we are trying to support them, and show that we are here to help them, not to be a burden. We want to start doing ward council so that we can actually involve the ward more in the work. Out here it feels more often that we constantly have to beg and plead the members to give us references, accompany us for lessons…. And we want to have it so that the ward has more of a desire to help the missionaries. We have one leader, the 2nd councilor that does pretty much everything in the ward. He does all the responsibilities of the bishop, he just lacks the calling. Anyway, he is helping us a lot to talk to the bishop, and start working more efficiently with the wards here.
My companion right now is….. interesting. He is one of those missionaries that wants to have fun on the mission, and sometimes just doesn’t know when it’s enough. He is usually willing to work if I tell him lets go or whatever. It’s kind of frustrating, because I just find myself getting annoyed with him a lot, so it’s hard to feel unity. Anyway, he is good at teaching when he is serious, and he is willing to work when I push him along a little bit. For the most part he knows really well how to be effective in the days and use our time wisely. Although it’s difficult sometimes, I am trying to learn to love him so that we can have unity and not impede the spirit from teaching the people.
Anyway, love you guys, and I'll talk to you later. Thank you for everything.
Elder Ryan Griffin

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